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  • Friday, July 19 - "My Entire Cohort is Screwed!"

Friday, July 19 - "My Entire Cohort is Screwed!"

Good morning!

Here’s what’s on the JD today:

  1. A smaller SaaS Fintech company is hiring for some interesting, senior positions in the UK and abroad.

  2. Jessica asks, “It’s already mid-July and no one in my cohort has a job offer. Are we all totally screwed?”

"Do not judge me by my success, judge me by how many times I fell down and got back up again.”

- Nelson Mandela



  • A smaller company than we usually focus on, Dext is a growing Fintech SaaS company helping their clients with accounting software.

  • Currently, there are 10 open roles but they’re all quite interesting.

  • Here are a few of the most exciting roles available

Click here for the company’s career page


Jessica asks, “It’s already mid-July and no one in my cohort has a job offer. Are we all totally screwed?”

Recommendation: It’s too early to know what will happen with you and your peers. Here are my general thoughts on this year’s graduating class:

  • First, the reports your school send out regarding hiring statistics use the metrics of what percent have jobs 3 months after graduation. They know that most students find don’t find a role right away so it’s important to take that into account.

  • Second, things are more difficult now than in previous years. There aren’t as many job offerings with some industries on complete hiring freezes. Candidates still continue to find new roles but it’s more competitive than many of the school’s alumni experienced.

  • Finally, knowing that things are more challenging, you will likely need to be more strategic and work a bit harder than previous batches have. The summer is a good time to network as September will bring a big number of new roles.

    • Check this out and change the filters to fit your own specifications and begin reaching out so you’re prepared for when summer ends and hiring picks up.


You’re not wrong to be a bit concerned and the earlier you start, the more opportunities you will uncover. Use the next month to network with alumni so you are best prepared for September, when things get really exciting.

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