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  • Monday, August 12 - "Only Getting Junior-Level Interviews"

Monday, August 12 - "Only Getting Junior-Level Interviews"

Good morning!

Happy Monday, and thank you to everyone who filled in the survey over the weekend - I’ve included a summary at the bottom of this email.

Here’s what’s on the job description for today:

  1. A hospitality company, who I know sponsors visas, is hiring.

  2. Isla asks, “Why am I only getting interviews for the least senior roles I apply to?”

“You never get what you deserve; only what you have the leverage to negotiate.”

- Jalen Rose


Ascott Hotels

  • A client recently got a job, and considering the balance of salary and sponsorship, it’s worth sharing for all subscribers.

  • Currently, there are over 350 jobs open with most in Singapore and a few jobs in the USA, France, Belgium, and the UK.

  • Here are a few of the most interesting roles available

Click here for the company’s career page


Isla asks, “Why am I only getting interviews for the least senior roles I apply to?”

That sucks. I sometimes wonder why we apply to roles that we really don’t want though.

Recommendation: Here’s how I would think this situation through:

  • First, there’s a potential chance that you’re applying to one of the industries that is barely hiring right now and over-saturated with high quality candidates resulting from hiring freezes and layoffs.

    • Areas like tech, consulting, or anything to do with product are painfully saturated at the moment.

  • Consider that the market is making a decision based on your entire application of where you fit. It may be your resume, your experience, or the brands you’ve worked with. It’s worth taking some time to reflect on whether all the companies are misunderstanding you or if your current application is getting exactly the outcomes it deserves.

  • Finally, to increase your odds of getting roles you believe you’re a better fit for or want more, be willing to make sacrifices somewhere. Here are some sacrifices that I’ve seen work:

    • Location: If you’re willing to work in rural areas, the volume of applications drops to about 10% of those in the city

    • Industry: Many candidates want to change industry but if you stick closer to you’re work history, you stand a way better chance of getting senior roles.


There is a chance the market is right about what roles you should be interviewing for. Be willing to apply to less competitive or more relevant roles to increase your chances of more senior positions inviting you for interviews.

Survey Results: How to improve the newsletter

Question 1: What is your favorite part of the newsletter?

  • About half said they liked both the jobs and the Q&A sections at the end

  • I was expecting more to only like the Q&A but it seems there are enough readers enjoying the jobs to keep them in

Question 2: What would you like to see added?

  • Everyone who answered asked for more data on hiring

  • What data - who knows but we’ll figure it out over the next few weeks

Question 3: What would you like to change about the newsletter?

  • Lots of nice comments and one person mentioned having the option for less frequent delivery (which makes a lot of sense as an option)

  • My favorite was the following:

    • Add rare interview tips, not generic advice”

Thanks for those that helped - I’ll be making changes in the coming weeks

If you want to add your thoughts, I’ll leave it open for one more day :)

Get your question answered by replying to this email (or just say hi 😊).