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  • Thursday, August 15 - "How Long Does It Take?"

Thursday, August 15 - "How Long Does It Take?"

Good morning!

Just checking in you. How are you doing today?

Here’s what’s on the job description for today:

  1. A company known for world-class auto manufacturing is hiring.

  2. Ivy asks, “my classmates said it can take 6 months to get a job. How long do you think it takes to find a new role?”

“Patience is bitter, but its fruit is sweet.”

- Jean-Jacques Rousseau


Rolls Royce

Click here for the full list of roles.


Ivy asks, “my classmates said it can take 6 months to get a job. How long do you think it takes to find a new role?”

I once had a candidate tell me their classmates were saying there are no jobs this year for MBAs and it’s best to move back to your home country. All classes have idiots :P

Recommendation: After working with candidates in a wide variety of industries and at different levels of seniority, here is what I’ve seen:

  • First, know how different your profile and candidacy are than nearly everyone you know. Not only different roles and industries but your background and skills on a resume are so different from other candidates that comparison is a great method to find anxiety and sadness.

  • Second, after seeing those that pass through in weeks vs those that take 6 months, I can tell you it comes down to confidence and relevant skills.

    • The relevant skills get you into interviews. Even with a poor resume, if you have amazing experience and skills, talent acquisition folks will find you and give you opportunities.

    • The confidence gets you through the interviews. I’ve seen so many people who could have gotten a role but were so worried about other candidates and what they were lacking in that they fumbled it.

  • Finally, set your expectations. If you are applying for an industry where you don’t have the exact skills they’re looking for, expect to apply more and have less interviews. If you’re confident that you could actually add value and do well, then you’ll make up for it in networking calls and interviews. It’s the balance of both that sees some candidates get jobs immediate and others, while potentially more qualified, take much much longer.


It can take a while, sometimes up to 6 months, to find a role but it’s a balance of relevant skills and confidence that will change it from 6 weeks to 6 months.

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