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  • Tuesday, September 3 - "Only Interviews From Referrals!"

Tuesday, September 3 - "Only Interviews From Referrals!"

Good morning!

Just checking in you. How’s your Tuesday

Here’s what’s on the job description for today:

  1. New roles from one of the world’s most influential and powerful financial firms.

  2. Mary asks, “none of my applications are working and I’m only getting interviews through referrals. What’s going on?”

“Expectation is the mother of all frustration.”

- Antonio Banderas



Click here for the company’s career page


Mary asks, “none of my applications are working and I’m only getting interviews through referrals. What’s going on?”

Recommendation: this is somewhat common. Here’s what I would do if I were in your shoes:

  • First, success is success and it’s worth considering your options. If you’re finding interview opportunities in networking, I would think out what it is about your networking that is providing these opportunities and double down on it.

  • Second, if you’re applying to lots of positions but not hearing back, then either your resume needs lots of help or the jobs aren’t relevant. Since you’re getting interviews through networking, I’d focus on the first and spend some time on the CV.

  • Finally, what’s happening on the interview front?

    • You’re getting chances but not converting. Something isn’t clicking and while you may not get feedback directly, you can use your referrals as a method to better understand both what went wrong but even more importantly, what to expect.

    • Going forward, check in with your referral source before the interviews and ask them to put you in touch with other people on the team or the right department so you can set up mocks and gain an advantage.


If you’re getting interviews, don’t break what’s working. Aside from that, focus on your resume to get more cold-application interviews and use this networking to gain an advantage in the interviews.

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